July 4, 2008

Face painters

Today I did not meet, but observed a couple in their mid-twenties sitting on the grass near Circular Quay. Both were sitting cross-legged and facing each other. Over the course of almost an hour, she painted his face expertly, transforming him into a magnificent tiger, complete with glittery eyebrows. When she was done, they both lit up cigarettes in a post-coital manner.

June 24, 2008

Old acquaintance, new mentor

Today I met an old uni lecturer who now treats me as an equal. It was a little odd having a former teacher now being a mentor and genuine person. I learnt more about her in half an hour than in two years of classes.

June 19, 2008

Keen cyclist

Today I met a fireman who lives 50-60km away from the station he works at. He cycles to work four days a week and is setting up a register as a way of cyclists rewarding drivers who are courteous towards them. He has grand plans for his register and I hope his scheme takes off as he dreams.

June 18, 2008

Returned soldier

Today I met a 20-year-old newly returned from Iraq where he has spent six months with the army. He had been so used to not being able to tell his parents anything about what he was up to on the phone, he was more untalkative than expected. In one rare candid moment he said the thing he liked most about getting home was the deployment bonus.

June 17, 2008

Older lady

Today I met an older lady who did not speak very good English but was still keen to give me her opinion on the question of the day. She definitely wanted me to know that she thought jail was bad, and referred to her husband and the government. I wondered if he was a common criminal or if he had been jailed for immigration issues. Her hair was all flyaway yet she did not baulk at my wanting to take her photograph.